Hilary Arnold
HILARY ARNOLD lives in Devon and has been an occasional, but serious, painter and sculptor since the mid 1970s when my journey into the art world began. Under the influence of a charismatic A level and Foundation Course teacher I have continued with my vocation on and off ever since whenever life permitted. Whilst not officially trained I have taken advantage of courses which have provided me with huge inspiration and influence, with the good fortune to have a very talented sculpture teacher and a wonderful painting teacher among others.
Still Life and landscapes are my preoccupation in painting, veering towards abstraction, particularly with landscapes which are so overwhelming in real life. I use light and space and colour to convey my response to my object. My paintings tend to come from my gut rather than my intellect. Influences are many but particularly Matisse, Diebenkorm, Peter Lanyon, Barbara Rae, William Scott and Patrick Heron. In sculpture human and animal forms excite me most with the influence of Elizabeth Frink, Henry Moore, Rodin and Marini.
I have exhibited on a small scale in Devon, London, Somerset and Wiltshire.Solo Exhibition:
The Gallery Little Bedwyn September 2021
Victoria Place, Axminister, Nov 2015
The Bomb Shelter in Fore Street, Beer, Sept. 2013
Group Exhibtion:
Exhibtion in London, 2014
The Bomb Shelter in Fore Street, Beer, May 2011
Sculptures in GIANT, 2015